Drought in Ethiopia

Drought in Ethiopia

Hunger is increasing in Ethiopia as a result of torturous drought. More than six million people in the country are expected to need urgent humanitarian aid by mid-March.

The most severe drought in decades has hit Ethiopia and other countries in the Horn of Africa. Three consecutive rainy seasons failed to provide the necessary moisture, and the region recorded its most severe drought since 1981.

The situation in Ethiopia is alarming. Due to lack of water, there is no harvest and a large part of the livestock has died. Rural families that rely on agriculture and pasture have nothing to eat and are dependent on the help of others.

UNICEF estimates that more than 150 thousand children in Ethiopia have stopped attending school, so that they can be going for water and helping their families with other tasks. It’s alarming that the number of children suffering from malnutrition is increasing. Moreover, the situation in the north of the country is aggravated by a war.


How We Are Helping

The Integra Foundation is involved in helping Ethiopia in the Borena region. In cooperation with our partner, we provide food for 500 households. The food packages that the people receive include cornmeal, oil, lentils, nutritious bakery products for children, salt, sugar, and soap to improve hygiene.


You Donation Will Provide

You can also help the people of Ethiopia. Your donation will provide basic food for the starving people in the Borena region.




foto: Food for the Hungry

Ivana Čorbová Climate and Humanitarian Projects Coordinator
Ivana coordinates the Integra Foundation’s humanitarian and climate projects. She is in contact with our partners and provides up-to-date information from the field about our activities, through which we help people affected by wars or natural disasters. Ivana also communicates with organizations such as SlovakAid in Slovakia, Ambrela - Platform for Development Organizations, or the international Integral Alliance and its members.

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